The Center for
Community Development, Inc. (CCDI), formerly Portsmouth
Community Development Group, (PCDG) was incorporated in January
1990 as a nonprofit Virginia corporation. Its mission...
to be a catalyst, bringing people and opportunity together through community involvement and revitalization
CCDI Mission
CCDI carries out this mission with a holistic approach to community development; incorporating Affordable Housing, small business development (Microenterprise), with Youth, Wellness, and the Arts.

Over the past 21 years -
- 280 have been assisted through the 1st Time Homebuyer's Program
- 737 job opportunities have been created/retained through Microlending
2000 youth have been trained through the Urban Arts Center & Mindfulness in Education Programs

CCDI's objective is to give neighborhoods back to their residents through rehabilitation, economic development, education, art & culture and interpersonal development. CCDI has provided a "Hand Up" to thousands of citizens helping them access opportunities and incentives. CCDI receives funding through a variety of public and private sources.
CCDI's Board of Directors is comprised of community leaders, homeowners, business people, bankers and volunteers and together with community and business partners and CCDI staff, all committed to bringing people and opportunities together.
CCDI receives funding through a variety of public and private sources. As a recipient of Gregory Lin Cooke Memorial funds CCDI joins in the celebration of life at its finest, a life that helps others! We welcome contributions, visits, and tours of all of our programs and facilities. Please contact us today and set up an appointment to find out more about CCDI programming as a donor, volunteer, customer or just as an interested citizen.
Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T)
City of Portsmouth
Newport News Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Norfolk Economic Development Authority
Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Portsmouth General Hospital Foundation
Portsmouth City Public Schools
US Small Business Administration
US Department of Agriculture
VA Department of Housing & Community Development
Virginia Department of Social Services
Virignia Housing Development Authority
Wells Fargo Housing Foundation
Tidewater Detention Center
Chesapeake Health & Human Services